I'm planning on making a mix tape for a guy. Quaint, huh? This guy just stepped into my life and I'm not sure what to make of it. He's young, he's effervescent (in his own words, with the right meaning this time) and he makes me feel like I own the fucking world.
It's weird, though. Because he's way too young for my taste and our worlds revolve in different universes, basically.
He's interesting, though. Something that you cannot say very often about the typical young American male, on his way to become a Marlboro Man, all stoic and ready to detach himself of everything and everybody.
He's sexy and he makes my heart beat harder every time I see him.
That's why I want to make a mix tape for him.
Oh, and because he still has a tape player in the cutest car I've laid eyes on in the last seven years. And because he just came to my office to kiss me. Yeah, he's that kind of guy.