
“When each fraction of a body becomes laden for us with meaning as overpowering as that of the face itself, when this one creature haunts us like music and torments us like a problem (instead of inspiring in us, at most, mere irritation, amusement or boredom), when he passes from the pheriphery of our universe to its center, and finally becomes for us more indispensable than our own selves, then that astonishing prodigy takes place wherein I see more an invasion of the flesh by the spirit than a simple play of the body alone.” 

 Marguerite Yourcenar, "Memoirs of Hadrian" 

 Well, I have to confess that I am after more than that delectable body of yours, I want more than all that unrestrained lust for pleasure and that shameless dedication to... well, yourself. I think the lure of the forbidden here does not work. It's not only because I should not have you, but because you shouldn't have ME. I belong to another. 

That other that does not want me the same way you do. And now I'm thinking about you a lot more than before (if that is possible). After I talked to you and you told me that you 'use' people and all that jazz I was wondering if it's not you the one wearing the masks that you told me Michael wears. He tries to come across as a jerk and you try to come across as jaded and manipulative? You may just not want any kind of commitment (and why would you? you've got all your life ahead of you and more!) and the definition of any kind of relationship robs it of its resplandescent charm. 

Well, I'd like to be to you something more than a very good time, something more than part of your curriculum and your college education. Is that too much to ask for? I may have popped the bubble (of your fantasies and mine) but I dont' care. As I told you, I'd like to know what is it that's going on in your head. Behind those eyes, but not coming through that delicious mouth are things I'd like to know. I may want more from you than what you're willing to give and I cannot give you all you want. Isn't life a bitch? Yummy baby boy

