Curved-lipped youth

"You, curved-lipped youth, whith brown sensitve face. Why, suddenly, as you sat there on the grass, did you turn full upon me those twin black eyes of yours, With gaze so absorbing so intense, I a strong mand trembled and was faint?" This is a quote from Edward Carpenter and I wrote it on the cover of that mix tape I made for him. A mix tape that started softly, gained momentum, went all the way to being almost erotic and then back to soft. More or less how I feel for him. 

After a few dates, I find him very attractive and after reading his writings (I read some things he wrote in high school!) I could say that that attraction has been sealed. Oh, the call of the beautiful skin and the healthy heartbeat are still there. But there's a glimpse to the mind that is definitely much more alluring. And terrifying. I could go to him by the call of the flesh but only stay by the clenching power of his intellect. I sometimes worry I may be just a passing experience for him, tough. 

And I find myself writing this between grading papers and trying to regain my sleep. But I have decided I will take things one day at a time. Nothing more, nothing less. And will just wait until I kiss him again. I hope that is soon. You see, my flesh is weak when it concerns him. And I can't wait to see what's on his mind.

